Full Circle

Everyone seems to think that I have always had knowledge of God’s word, but that is not the case necessarily. I grew up in a Missionary Baptist Church, but I left it for many selfish reasons. One reason was that I was not ready to live a life where I submitted to Christ. I wanted to be the head of my own life and make my own decisions. Secondly, I did not trust the Bible to be the final authority in my life. These deceptions were strategic by Satan because it led me to many pitfalls.


It is incredible now to me that now the Bible is quite the opposite in my life. I can not live without it in my life every day. I need it like I need air, food, and water. It has become an alive instrument that I sometimes cry after reading it. I did not always have this passion, but now I am glad that I do. Also, I am actively involved in Kingdom business all the time.


The Word of God has changed me from a male to a Kingdom man. I still get thrills when I open it up and allow it to transform my thoughts about my behavior and especially when it shows me who I am in Christ. I encourage everyone who reads this blog to become an avid Bible reader. It will transform you especially when you discover tools that will help the Bible go from a historical document to a document in the here and now.



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