Being Used by God

Isaiah 50:4

“The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary; He wakes me morning by morning; he wakes my ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious. Neither did I turn away my back.” 

If we are ever going to be used by God, we must pay attention to this passage found in Isaiah 50:4. It is compelling and gives us insight into the heart of God and His expectations for His children. God is a Father, and just like any earthly father, He wants to spend quality time with His children. God is concerned about you and wants to hear your deepest thoughts and desires. However, He already knows what is in your heart. He knows what you think. God is genuinely after teaching and grooming you into your destiny. He wants to mentor you so you can impact others.

We all were born into this world and therefore have become products of our environment. I was raised in the deep south. I live in the Midwest now, and I often open the door for others, and they are amazed at me being a gentleman. I was raised that way to be gentle and kind to others. However, God wants us to go deeper in Him and become more intimate with Him to where we no longer act and think like the world. Imagine God using you to the maximum impact. The prophet Isaiah revealed his secret sauce to us in this passage. He told in this passage that he woke up every day to hear God’s voice. The prophet did not have YouTube videos, Podcasts, a church home, or a Bible. Yet, he heard God clearly and had enough faith to act on what was told to him.

Finally, God chose Isaiah because he knew he would listen and write it down but share it with others (Is 30:8). God knows how to give you a word in season for your life. Sometimes, I spend time with God, and He gives me a relevant word for my life that sheds so much light. But He also gives me a Word to share with others that encourage, edifies, exhorts, and comforts others. If you are ready to be used by God, I encourage you to read this passage and meditate on it. It will give you the habit of daily interaction with God and take your life to the uttermost bounds of the earth. 

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